Worst WWE Matches
The WWE has given us thousands of Five-star matches. From the Likes of Shawn Michaels Vs Bret Hart to Stone Cold Vs The Rock to Undertaker Vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania.
But for every great match or matches we tend to get hundreds of stinkers. There are the matches that you just wonder why it happened and what were they thinking.
The matches usually suck because of a bad gimmick, the chemistry between the two wrestlers just isn’t there, or even worse the fans just don’t want to put neither one of the wrestlers over.
There’s even been matches where the storyline was great but when they got into the ring…the entire thing just fell apart.
Yokozuna Vs Mabel — In Your House 1995
This is what Vince McMahon loved to see. Two larger than life people in the middle of the ring. Combined they both weighed in about half a ton. That’s a lot of weight int he square circle.
This match was just painful to watch. The entire match just consisted of clotheslines, missed moves, and random punches that sometimes didn’t even land.
The match alone lasted roughly five minutes with both men getting a double count out.
Then for some odd reason both wrestlers decided to celebrate in the ring and hug it out. This was a time where Kayfabe was a major thing in the company. You couldn’t break character in the ring. They were just enemies a few seconds ago and then they decide to hug it out?
I’ll never understand Vince’s obsession with big dudes who can barely move inside the ring.
Trish stratus & Bradshaw Vs Jackie & Chris Nowinski — Raw 2002
Mixed tag team matches can actually be quite the crowd pleaser. Or in Vince’s case a great money grabber. If done right, it could have a real compelling story for both men and women.
This wasn’t the case in this atrocious match.
Trish was the top women’s wrestler at the time. So, Don’t know what was the ruling when they decided to put her against Jackie…a women who couldn’t wrestler to save her life sadly.
When you see Jackie wrestling it looked as if she was forgetting how to do every move or forgetting when to do the moves.As for Bradshaw and Chris Nowinski…well they did their thing. They fought hard and actually tried to make the match worthwhile. They brawled until they left the arena. Again leaving Trish and Jackie alone in the ring.
This match was rated the worst match of the year in 2002.
Al Snow Vs Big Boss Man — Kennel From Hell Match — Unforgiven 1999
WWE has had a slew of wacky gimmick matches. There’s been Hog Pen matches, ______ on a pole matches, Random evening gown matches, etc. Some have worked not going to lie. The Inferno Match, although not a gimmick match per say because it did further the storyline between Undertaker and Kane. This was a match that worked so well.
I can’t say the same about this one.
Man…this gimmick match was so random. I don’t even think boss man and Al Snow took it seriously.
The best part is that this match only happened once and hopefully it will stay that way.
The match was highlighted by dogs peeing and the wrestlers trying not to step on dog crap.
Whoever came up with this concept…well you are a weird one.
Kelly Kelly Vs Layla — ECW 2005
The women’s division right now is in turmoil. At least we have some of the women wrestlers trying desperately to keep it alive and well. There’s a great future for the women’s division in WWE.
But…if you haven’t see this match. You would think that todays women’s division is a gold mine.
Neither diva here had any experience to begin with. Kelly Kelly was still in training and Layla just won the Diva’s search a few months back prior to this match. It was a recipe for diseaster.
Both women did only kick and punches…if you could call them that.
The match ended when Layla hit Kelly Kelly with a…get ready…a body slam. Yeah, it was that simple.
It goes to show that most women wrestler’s back then were just eye candy.
Triple H Vs Scott Steiner — Royal Rumble 2003
This was the time where Scott Steiner finally signed with the WWE. They saw big things coming his way. He was suppose to be the next big thing. The next world champion. The face of the WWE. That didn’t happen at all.
Triple H and Scott Steiner’s match at Royal Rumble was a complete mess. The match went on for far too long.
With this new signing and the hype it got there was only one person they should set up Scott with, and that was the champion himself Triple H. Triple H did everything in his power to make this rivalry work.
Triple H did his absolute best to get Scott over. I think Triple H even went above and over his heel persona that year just to get us fans to like Scott more.
The problem was that Scott was way too stiff in the ring. He botched almost every move. He looked completely winded by the middle of the match. Not to mention, Scott’s promos leading to the match were plain terrible. There was no charisma there, it was just a muscular guy screaming to the camera.
Shawn Michaels Vs Hulk Hogan — Summerslam 2005
So, you have two of the biggest names in sports entertainment. you figure this was a match made in heaven, this was going to be the greatest thing to ever happen since sliced bread. This was it. We were going crazy with everything that was happening leading up to this match.
That wasn’t the case here.
Shawn here was being a bit of a brat. He was pissed that the spotlight was on Hulk Hogan more than him. Yet, Shawn chose to be the heel in this rivalry. So, obviously the spotlight was going to shine on Hulk. Even more, Shawn agreed to take the pinfall, but that didn’t stop the heartbreak kid to have a little bit of his own fun.
With every punch, kick, grapple, that Hulk Hogan did on Shawn he acted as if the god of thunder Zeus was giving it to him. He jumped around the ring, acted a fool. I was watching this as a kid and just thought that this wasn’t the Shawn Michaels we all know and love.
Was it professional? No. Was it funny? Yes.
Brock Lesnar Vs Goldberg — Wrestlemania 20–2004
The writing was on the wall for this one.
This had the potential to be one of the greatest Wrestlemania matches ever. You had two larger than life characters in the ring. Both tough as nails and both had something to prove.
But, it was leaked that Brock Lesnar was leaving WWE for a career in the NFL and Goldberg was leaving the company due to the way they were treating him backstage apparently.
You had Stone Cold Steve Austin as the special referee in this one.
It’s kinda funny how the crowd took ownership of the match. They started to chant “You suck” and “You sold out” to both men. Brock Lesnar even stuck out the middle finger to the crowd. He didn’t care. Both men didn’t care. They just wanted the match to be over and collect their checks.
Both wrestlers just phoned it in. They didn’t even try to put on a show.